BBNB is a newly formed 501c3 that provides resources online to patients and their caregiver living with a chronic illness called CFIDS (chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome). Since they serve a national market, BBNB wants all their resources to be available online for anyone to access at anytime.
The State of BBNB
Bent But Not Broken is a newly formed 501c3 nonprofit that provides an online community and financial assistance application for patients and their caregivers living with CFIDS (chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome). They are able to serve a national market by handling all their applications and resources online. BBNB had no digital platforms prior to AMG’s work with them and no resources easily accessed or found by patients.
This nonprofit tasked us with creating all of the digital platforms necessary to reach their intending audience and allow 24/7 resources to patients and caregiver.
What Did AMG Do
Since BBNB had no digital properties when they came to us, we started with their website. Before creating the website we analyzed the industry, what was currently available to patients and what BBNB wanted to offer. AMG built a website that included a community forum, an online application for financial assistance, a tunes section that included playlists to help people when they’re down and a blog that is easy to interact with, search topics and share.
Once the website was created, we proceeded by integrating Infusionsoft into their website and implementing a targeted email marketing campaign that targeted 5 different categories of site visitors. A sign up form for this list was promoted on their website and across major social media platforms.
A Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter and Instagram account were created and then promoted via Facebook ads, sponsored stories, newly created YouTube ads, accompanied by a Google Ads words PPC campaign.
All platforms had closely monitored analytics that were reported back to the client monthly so they could adjust their campaign according to new findings and patient needs in the industry.
Campaign Details
This campaign required a myriad of skills, including:
Web design & website coding
Form development
Email marketing template design
Database organization
PPC keyword research and campaign organization
SEO industry research and campaign imitation
Social media platform design and customization
The Results
BBNB has now (as of Oct 2014) received over 1.2 million dollars in vetted requests for financial assistance from qualified applicants and over 40,000 page views per month on their website. They’ve developed a loyal Facebook following with that being the largest referring platform to the website blog as well as the application.
Due to the success of the nonprofits launch, BBNB now is changing their target market to donors, rather than patients, that can supply the funds needed to fulfill the demands of this neglected chronic illness industry. The PPC, Ad Words, Facebook Ads, Infusionsoft forms and website info has all been easily edited to reflect and track the change.