AMG Presents at Microsoft Store on Social Media
It was a SUCCESS! Thanks to all of those who came out to see Lindsey speak on social media at the Microsoft Store this past week. There were some interesting questions and great discussions. Some of the biggest points made:
- SOCIAL MEDIA is NOT the “End All Be All” for your marketing plan. It should be a spoke on the wheel, not the entire wheel itself
- In most cases, social media should not replace your website, rather redirect to it
- “If You Build It, That Doesn’t Mean They’ll Come”… Users don’t just find you a like you, it requires efforts on the business side to go and FIND them
- Yes, you should ALWAYS have a business fan page in addition to your person page. DO NOT promote your business in between personal posts
- Social Media does aid in website SEO and ranking results. Businesses that have a page over those who do not will usually have better organic ranking results